Homeowners are responsible for maintaining onsite septic systems. This not only protects nearby surface and groundwater from being contaminated but also protects your health and your investment in your home. Typical pollutants found in household wastewater include nitrogen, phosphorus, disease-causing bacteria and viruses. A properly designed, constructed and maintained system can provide long-term, effective treatment of household wastewater.

Wastewater from your home can impact the lakes if not properly treated. Please follow these steps to help protect the lakes and make sure that your septic system continues to work properly.

Use water efficiently

The less water that goes through the system - the less you stress it and the longer it will last. Flush only human waste & toilet paper. Your toilet is not a trashcan - don't use it like one!


  • Household chemicals & cleaners

  • Medications

  • Paints, stains & solvents

  • Gasoline & oil

  • Lawn care products

  • Antifreeze


  • Flushable wipes 

  • Diapers

  • Sanitary products

  • Dental floss

  • Paper towels

Maintain your septic system

Maintaining your septic system protects the lakes and nearby ground waters from being contaminated and also protects your health and your investment in your home and property.

  • Regularly inspect your system (every 1 to 3 years) and pump your tank as necessary.

  • Don't dispose of household hazardous wastes, pharmaceuticals, or Cloggers or Killers in sinks or toilets.

Care for your drainfield

  • Plant only grass or groundcover with shallow roots. Deep roots from trees or shrubs could clog and damage the field.

  • Don't drive or park vehicles on your drainfield or compact the soil in any way.

Use water efficiently in your home

  • Install high-efficiency showerheads.

  • Turn off faucets while shaving or brushing your teeth.

  • Maintain your plumbing to eliminate leaks.

  • Replace old toilets with new, high efficiency models.

  • Do laundry over several days instead of multiple loads all in one day.